Source code for pydrad.parse.parse

Interface for easily parsing HYDRAD results
import glob
import os
import pathlib

import astropy.units as u
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import plasmapy.particles
from scipy.interpolate import splev, splrep

from pydrad import log
from pydrad.configure import Configure
from pydrad.visualize import (animate_strand, plot_histogram, plot_profile,
                              plot_strand, plot_time_distance, plot_time_mesh)

__all__ = ['Strand', 'Profile', 'InitialProfile']

def get_master_time(hydrad_root, read_from_cfg=False):
    Get array of times that correspond to each timestep for the entire simulation.

    hydrad_root : `str` or path-like
    read_from_cfg : `bool`, optional
        If True, create the time array from the cadence as specified in
        `HYDRAD/config/hydrad.cfg` and the start time as given in the first
        AMR file. Note that this is substantially faster than reading the time
        from every AMR file, but there may be small differences between these
        approximate time steps and the exact time steps listed in the AMR files.

    : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    hydrad_root = pathlib.Path(hydrad_root)
    amr_files = sorted((hydrad_root / 'Results').glob('profile*.amr'))
    if read_from_cfg:
        log.debug('Creating master time array from config files')
        # NOTE: Sometimes this file is capitalized and some OSes are sensitive to this
        cfg_file = hydrad_root / 'HYDRAD' / 'config' / 'hydrad.cfg'
        if not cfg_file.is_file():
            log.debug('hydrad.cfg not found; trying HYDRAD.cfg')
            cfg_file = hydrad_root / 'HYDRAD' / 'config' / 'HYDRAD.cfg'
        with as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        cadence = float(lines[3])
        with amr_files[0].open() as f:
            start_time = float(f.readline())
        time = start_time + np.arange(len(amr_files)) * cadence
        log.debug('Reading master time array from all AMR files')
        time = np.zeros((len(amr_files),))
        for i, af in enumerate(amr_files):
            with as f:
                time[i] = f.readline()
    return sorted(time) * u.s

[docs] class Strand(object): """ Container for parsing HYDRAD results Parameters ---------- hydrad_root : path-like Path to HYDRAD simulation directory read_from_cfg : `bool`, optional If True, create the time array from the cadence as specified in `HYDRAD/config/hydrad.cfg` and the start time as given in the first AMR file. Note that this is substantially faster than reading the time from every AMR file, but there may be small differences between these approximate time steps and the exact time steps listed in the AMR files. """ def __init__(self, hydrad_root, **kwargs): self.hydrad_root = pathlib.Path(hydrad_root) # This is different than time depending on the slicing. We allow this # to be passed as a kwarg to avoid repeatedly reading multiple files # when slicing. self._master_time = kwargs.pop('master_time', None) if self._master_time is None: self._master_time = get_master_time(self.hydrad_root, read_from_cfg=kwargs.get('read_from_cfg', False)) # NOTE: time is only specified when slicing a Strand. When not # slicing, it should be read from the results. self._time = kwargs.pop('time', self._master_time) self._profile_kwargs = kwargs def __repr__(self): return f"""HYDrodynamics and RADiation (HYDRAD) Code ----------------------------------------- Results path: {self.hydrad_root} Time interval: [{self.time[0]}, {self.time[-1]}] Number of profiles: {len(self)} Loop length: {}""" def __len__(self): return self.time.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, index): # NOTE: This will throw an index error to stop iteration _ = self.time[index] if self.time[index].shape: # empty if time[index] is a scalar return Strand(self.hydrad_root, time=self.time[index], master_time=self._master_time, **self._profile_kwargs) else: return Profile(self.hydrad_root, self.time[index], master_time=self._master_time, **self._profile_kwargs)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, filename, *variables): """ Save variables to an HDF5 file Parameters ---------- filename : `str` or path-like Path to HDF file variables : `list` Names of variables to save to file """ with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf: ds = hf.create_dataset('time', data=self.time.value) ds.attrs['unit'] = self.time.unit.to_string() for p in self: grp = hf.create_group(f'index{p._index}') for v in variables: data = getattr(p, v) ds = grp.create_dataset(v, data=data.value) ds.attrs['unit'] = data.unit.to_string()
@property def config(self): """ Configuration options. This will only work if the simuation was also configured by pydrad. """ return Configure.load_config(self.hydrad_root / 'pydrad_config.asdf') @property @u.quantity_input def time(self) -> u.s: """ Simulation time """ return self._time @property @u.quantity_input def loop_length(self) -> """ Footpoint-to-footpoint loop length """ with (self.hydrad_root / 'Results' / 'profile0.amr').open() as f: tmp = f.readlines() loop_length = float(tmp[2]) return loop_length * @property def initial_conditions(self): """ `~pydrad.parse.Profile` for the solutions to the hydrostatic equations used as initial conditions. """ return InitialProfile(self.hydrad_root, 0*u.s, master_time=[0]*u.s, **self._profile_kwargs)
[docs] def peek(self, **kwargs): """ Quick look at all profiles for the run on a single plot. Takes the same keyword arguments as `~pydrad.visualize.plot_strand` """ plot_strand(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def peek_time_distance(self, quantities=None, delta_s: = 1*u.Mm, **kwargs): """ Quick look at time-distance plots of various quantities. Takes the same keyword arguments as `~pydrad.visualize.plot_time_distance` """ if quantities is None: quantities = ['electron_temperature', 'electron_density', 'velocity'] _ = plot_time_distance(self, quantities, delta_s, **kwargs)
[docs] def animate(self, **kwargs): """ Simple animation of time-dependent loop profiles. Takes the same keyword arguments as `~pydrad.visualize.animate_strand` """ return animate_strand(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def get_uniform_grid(self, delta_s: -> """ Create a spatial grid with uniform spacing `delta_s`. Parameters ---------- delta_s : `astropy.units.Quantity` Spacing between each grid point """ return np.arange( 0,,*
[docs] @u.quantity_input def get_unique_grid(self) -> all_coordinates = [ for p in self] return np.unique(np.concatenate(all_coordinates).ravel()) *
[docs] @u.quantity_input def to_constant_grid(self, name, grid:, order=1): """ Interpolate a given quantity onto a spatial grid that is the same at each time step. Parameters ---------- name : `str` grid : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Spatial grid to interpolate onto order : `int` Order of the spline interpolation. Default is 1. """ q_uniform = np.zeros(self.time.shape+grid.shape) grid_cm = for i, p in enumerate(self): q = getattr(p, name) tsk = splrep(, q.value, k=order) q_uniform[i, :] = splev(grid_cm, tsk, ext=0) return q_uniform * q.unit
[docs] def spatial_average(self, quantity, bounds=None): """ Compute a spatial average of a specific quantity or quantities """ return u.Quantity([p.spatial_average(quantity, bounds=bounds) for p in self])
[docs] def column_emission_measure(self, bins=None, bounds=None): """ Column emission measure as a function of time See Also -------- Profile.column_emission_measure """ _, bins = self[0].column_emission_measure(bins=bins, bounds=bounds) em = np.stack([p.column_emission_measure(bins=bins, bounds=bounds)[0] for p in self]) return em, bins
[docs] def peek_emission_measure(self, bins=None, bounds=None, **kwargs): em, bins = self.column_emission_measure(bins=bins, bounds=bounds) bin_centers = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])/2 # Make API consistent with plot_time_mesh for k in ['cmap', 'norm', 'units', 'labels']: if k in kwargs: kwargs[k] = {'EM': kwargs[k]} _ = plot_time_mesh(self, [('EM', em)], bin_centers, r'$T$', yscale='log', **kwargs)
[docs] class Profile(object): """ Container for HYDRAD results at a given timestep. Typically accessed through `pydrad.parse.Strand` Parameters ---------- hydrad_root : `str` Path to HYDRAD directory time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Timestep corresponding to the profile of interest """ @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, hydrad_root, time: u.s, **kwargs): self.hydrad_root = pathlib.Path(hydrad_root) if time.shape: raise ValueError('time must be a scalar') self.time = time self._master_time = kwargs.get('master_time') if self._master_time is None: self._master_time = get_master_time(self.hydrad_root, read_from_cfg=kwargs.get('read_from_cfg', False)) # Read results files self._read_phy() self._read_amr() if kwargs.get('read_hstate', True): self._read_hstate() if kwargs.get('read_ine', True): self._read_ine() if kwargs.get('read_trm', True): self._read_trm() @property def _amr_filename(self): return self.hydrad_root / 'Results' / f'profile{self._index:d}.amr' @property def _phy_filename(self): return self.hydrad_root / 'Results' / f'profile{self._index:d}.phy' @property def _trm_filename(self): return self.hydrad_root / 'Results' / f'profile{self._index:d}.trm' @property def _ine_filename(self): return self.hydrad_root / 'Results' / f'profile{self._index:d}.ine' @property def _hstate_filename(self): return self.hydrad_root / 'Results' / f'profile{self._index:d}.Hstate' @property def _index(self): return np.where(self.time == self._master_time)[0][0] def __repr__(self): return f"""HYDRAD Timestep Profile ----------------------- Filename: {self._phy_filename} Timestep #: {self._index}""" def _read_phy(self): """ Parse the hydrodynamics results file """ self._phy_data = np.loadtxt(self._phy_filename) def _read_amr(self): """ Parse the adaptive mesh grid file """ # TODO: Read other quantities from .amr file with as f: lines = f.readlines() self._grid_centers = np.zeros((int(lines[3]),)) self._grid_widths = np.zeros((int(lines[3]),)) for i, l in enumerate(lines[4:]): tmp = np.array(l.split(), dtype=float) self._grid_centers[i] = tmp[0] self._grid_widths[i] = tmp[1] def _read_trm(self): """ Parse the equation terms file """ try: with as f: lines = f.readlines() except FileNotFoundError: log.debug(f'{self._trm_filename} not found') return n_elements = int(len(lines)/5) self._trm_data = np.zeros([n_elements, 3]) # The files come in sets of 5 rows # -- Loop coordinate, and at each one: # -- Terms of mass equation # -- Terms of momentum equation # -- Terms of electron energy equation # -- Terms of hydrogen energy equation # Right now, we only read 3 values from this: # the electron heating, hydrogen heating, # and bolometric radiative losses for i in range(len(lines)): j = int(i/5) line = lines[i].strip().split() # Electron heating and radiative loss terms from the # electron energy equation if i % 5 == 3: self._trm_data[j, 0] = float(line[5]) self._trm_data[j, 1] = float(line[6]) # Hydrogen heating term from the hydrogen energy # equation if i % 5 == 4: self._trm_data[j, 2] = float(line[5]) properties = [('electron_heating_term', '_trm_data', 0, 'erg cm-3 s-1'), ('hydrogen_heating_term', '_trm_data', 2, 'erg cm-3 s-1'), ('radiative_loss_term', '_trm_data', 1, 'erg cm-3 s-1')] for p in properties: add_property(*p) def _read_ine(self): """ Parse non-equilibrium ionization population fraction files and set attributes for relevant quantities """ # TODO: clean this up somehow? I've purposefully included # a lot of comments because the format of this file makes # the parsing code quite opaque try: with as f: lines = f.readlines() except FileNotFoundError: log.debug(f'{self._ine_filename} not found') return # First parse all of the population fraction arrays n_s = self.coordinate.shape[0] # NOTE: Have to calculate the number of elements we have # computed population fractions for as we do not necessarily # know this ahead of time n_e = int(len(lines)/n_s - 1) # The file is arranged in n_s groups of n_e+1 lines each where the first # line is the coordinate and the subsequent lines are the population fraction # for each element, with each column corresponding to an ion of that element # First, separate by coordinate pop_lists = [lines[i*(n_e+1)+1:(i+1)*(n_e+1)] for i in range(n_s)] # Convert each row of each group into a floating point array pop_lists = [[np.array(l.split(), dtype=float) for l in p] for p in pop_lists] # NOTE: each row has Z+2 entries as the first entry is the atomic number Z # Get these from just the first group as the number of elements is the same # for each Z = np.array([p[0] for p in pop_lists[0]], dtype=int) pop_arrays = [np.zeros((n_s, z+1))for z in Z] for i, p in enumerate(pop_lists): for j, l in enumerate(p): pop_arrays[j][i, :] = l[1:] # Skip first entry, it is the atomic number # Then set attributes for each ion of each element for z, p in zip(Z, pop_arrays): name = plasmapy.particles.element_name(z) attr = f'_population_fraction_{name}' setattr(self, attr, p) for p in [(f'{attr[1:]}_{i+1}', attr, i, '') for i in range(z+1)]: add_property(*p) def _read_hstate(self): """ Parse the hydrogen energy level populations file """ try: self._hstate_data = np.loadtxt(self._hstate_filename) except OSError: log.debug(f'{self._hstate_filename} not found') self._hstate_data = None @property @u.quantity_input def grid_centers(self) -> """ Spatial location of the grid centers """ return u.Quantity(self._grid_centers, 'cm') @property @u.quantity_input def grid_widths(self) -> """ Spatial width of each grid cell """ return u.Quantity(self._grid_widths, 'cm') @property @u.quantity_input def grid_edges(self) -> """ Spatial location of the edges of each grid cell, including the rightmost edge """ left = self.grid_centers - self.grid_widths/2. return np.append(left, left[-1:] + self.grid_widths[-1]) @property @u.quantity_input def grid_edges_left(self) -> """ Spatial location of the left edge of each grid cell """ return self.grid_edges[:-1] @property @u.quantity_input def grid_edges_right(self) -> """ Spatial location of the right edge of each grid cell """ return self.grid_edges[1:]
[docs] def spatial_average(self, quantity, bounds=None): """ Compute a spatial average of a specific quantity Parameters ---------- quantity : `str` Name of the desired quantity to average bounds : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Array of length 2 specifying the range over which to take the spatial average. """ if bounds is None: bounds = self.coordinate[[0, -1]] i_bounds = np.where(np.logical_and(self.coordinate >= bounds[0], self.coordinate <= bounds[1])) quantity_bounds = getattr(self, quantity)[i_bounds] grid_widths_bounds = self.grid_widths[i_bounds] return np.average(quantity_bounds, weights=grid_widths_bounds)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def column_emission_measure(self, bins: u.K = None, bounds: = None): r""" Computes the column emission measure, where it is assumed that the loop is confined to a single pixel and oriented along the line of sight. Parameters ---------- bins : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Temperature bin edges, including rightmost edge. If None (default), the bins will be equally-spaced in :math:`\log{T}`, with a left edge at :math:`\log{T}=3`, a right edge at :math:`\log{T}=8`, and a bin width of :math:`0.05`. Returns ------- em : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The column emission measure in each bin bins : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Temperature bin edges. Note that ``len(bins)=len(em)+1``. """ if bins is None: bins = 10.0**(np.arange(3.0, 8.0, 0.05)) * u.K if bounds is None: bounds = self.grid_edges[[0, -1]] weights = self.electron_density * self.ion_density * self.grid_widths H, _, _ = np.histogram2d(self.grid_centers, self.electron_temperature, bins=(bounds, bins), weights=weights) return H.squeeze(), bins
[docs] def peek(self, **kwargs): """ Quick look at profiles at a given timestep. Takes the same keyword arguments as `~pydrad.visualize.plot_profile`. """ plot_profile(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def peek_emission_measure(self, **kwargs): """ Quick look at the column emission measure. Takes the same keyword arguments as `column_emission_measure` and `~pydrad.visualize.plot_histogram`. """ bins = kwargs.pop('bins', None) if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = 'C0' em, bins = self.column_emission_measure(bins=bins) ax = plot_histogram('cm-5').value,'K').value, **kwargs) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim(kwargs.get('xlim')) ax.set_ylim(kwargs.get('ylim')) ax.set_xlabel(r'$T$ [K]') ax.set_ylabel(r'EM [cm$^{-5}$]')
[docs] class InitialProfile(Profile): @property def _amr_filename(self): return self.hydrad_root / 'Initial_Conditions' / 'profiles' / 'initial.amr' @property def _phy_filename(self): return self.hydrad_root / 'Initial_Conditions' / 'profiles' / 'initial.amr.phy'
def add_property(name, attr, index, unit): """ Auto-generate properties for various pieces of data """ def property_template(self): data = getattr(self, attr) if data is None: raise ValueError(f'No data available for {name}') return u.Quantity(data[:, index], unit) property_template.__doc__ = f'{" ".join(name.split("_")).capitalize()} as a function of :math:`s`' property_template.__name__ = name setattr(Profile, property_template.__name__, property(property_template)) properties = [ ('coordinate', '_phy_data', 0, 'cm'), ('velocity', '_phy_data', 1, 'cm / s'), ('sound_speed', '_phy_data', 2, 'cm / s'), ('electron_density', '_phy_data', 3, 'cm-3'), ('ion_density', '_phy_data', 4, 'cm-3'), ('electron_pressure', '_phy_data', 5, 'dyne cm-2'), ('ion_pressure', '_phy_data', 6, 'dyne cm-2'), ('electron_temperature', '_phy_data', 7, 'K'), ('ion_temperature', '_phy_data', 8, 'K'), ('electron_conduction', '_phy_data', 9, 'erg s-1 cm-2'), ('ion_conduction', '_phy_data', 10, 'erg s-1 cm-2'), ] properties += [(f'level_population_hydrogen_{i}', '_hstate_data', i, '') for i in range(1, 7)] for p in properties: add_property(*p)