Source code for pydrad.visualize.plot

Plotting methods to easily visualize HYDRAD results
import copy

import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable

__all__ = ['plot_strand',

[docs] def plot_histogram(vals, bins, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Given a set of bin edges and the values in each bin, plot the histogram. Parameters ---------- vals : array-like value in each bin bins : array-like Bin edges, including the rightmost edge ax : `matplotlib.pyplot`, optional Matplotlib axis instance kwargs : `dict` Plotting keyword arguments Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot` Axes instance with histogram plot attached """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ymin = ax.get_ylim()[0] ax.step(bins[:-1], vals, where='post', **kwargs) if 'label' in kwargs: del kwargs['label'] ax.step(bins[-2:], [vals[-1], vals[-1]], where='pre', **kwargs) ax.vlines(bins[0], ymin, vals[0], **kwargs) ax.vlines(bins[-1], ymin, vals[-1], **kwargs) return ax
[docs] @u.quantity_input def plot_time_distance(strand, quantities, delta_s:, **kwargs): """ Make a time-distance plot for a particular quantity or quantities on a uniform grid. Parameters ---------- strand : `~pydrad.parse.Strand` quantities : `str`, `list`, `tuple` Name of quantity or quantities to plot. Optionally, you can also pass in a tuple of `(str, array-like)`, where `str` is the label and the second entry is the quantity to plot, already interpolated onto a common grid. delta_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Spacing of the uniform spatial grid to interpolate the quantity onto space_unit : `str` or `astropy.quantity.Unit`, optional Unit for the spatial axis Optional Parameters ------------------- All other parameters are passed to `~pydrad.visualize.plot_time_mesh`. """ # NOTE: I'm setting this as the default here so that the quadrilaterals # (i.e. the cells represented in the mesh) are centered on grid points. # This is because the time and spatial grids here represent the centers # of the grid points and thus should be centered on their faces. shading = kwargs.pop('shading', 'nearest') grid = strand.get_uniform_grid(delta_s).to(kwargs.pop('space_unit', 'cm')) # Interpolate quantities to constant grid as needed quantities = copy.deepcopy(quantities) if type(quantities) is not list: quantities = [quantities] for i, q in enumerate(quantities): if type(q) is str: quantities[i] = (q, strand.to_constant_grid(q, grid)) fig, ax = plot_time_mesh(strand, quantities, grid, r'$s$', shading=shading, **kwargs) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_time_mesh(strand, quantities, y_grid, y_label, **kwargs): """ Plot a given quantity as a function of some variable and time for a given strand. Parameters ---------- strand : `~pydrad.parse.Strand` quantities : `list`, `tuple` List of or single tuple of `(str, array-like)`, where `str` is the label and the second entry is the quantity to plot, already interpolated onto a common grid. y_grid : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Grid other than time to interpolate the quantity onto. y_label : `str` Axis label for the other dimension against which to plot the quantity or quantities. norm : normalization or `dict`, optional Colormap normalization or dictionary of normalizations with keys corresponding to the quantity names. cmap : `str` or colormap instance or `dict`, optional Colormap to use for all quantities except velocity which will always use the ``RdBu_r`` diverging colormap. If `dict`, mapping of colormaps to different quantity names. figsize : `tuple`, optional Dimensions of the resulting figure time_unit : `str` or `astropy.quantity.Unit`, optional Unit for the time axis Optional Parameters ------------------- All other keyword arguments are passed to `matplotlib.pcolormesh`. """ y_mesh, t_mesh = np.meshgrid(y_grid.value, strand.time.value,) t_mesh = (t_mesh * strand.time.unit).to(kwargs.pop('time_unit', 's')) y_mesh = y_mesh * y_grid.unit quantities = copy.deepcopy(quantities) if type(quantities) is not list: quantities = [quantities] fig, ax = plt.subplots( len(quantities), 1, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (10, 2.5*len(quantities))), sharex=True, sharey=True, ) if len(quantities) == 1: ax = [ax] # NOTE: remove these here so we can send the rest to pcolormesh norm = kwargs.pop('norm', {}) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', {}) units = kwargs.pop('units', {}) labels = kwargs.pop('labels', {}) yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'linear') cbar_size = kwargs.pop('cbar_size', '5%') cbar_pad = kwargs.pop('cbar_pad', '1%') for i, (label, data) in enumerate(quantities): data =, data.unit)) im = ax[i].pcolormesh( t_mesh.value, y_mesh.value, data.value, cmap=cmap.get(label, 'viridis') if isinstance(cmap, dict) else cmap, norm=norm.get(label, None) if isinstance(norm, dict) else norm, **kwargs, ) cax = make_axes_locatable(ax[i]).append_axes( "right", size=cbar_size, pad=cbar_pad, ) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar_label = labels.get(label, label) if data.unit != u.dimensionless_unscaled: cbar_label += f' [{data.unit}]' cbar.set_label(cbar_label) ax[i].set_ylabel(f'{y_label} [{y_mesh.unit}]') ax[-1].set_xlabel(f'$t$ [{t_mesh.unit}]') ax[-1].set_yscale(yscale) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_strand(strand, limits=None, cmap='viridis', **kwargs): """ Plot hydrodynamic quantities at multiple timesteps This function takes all of the same keyword arguments as `~pydrad.visualize.plot_profile`. Parameters ---------- strand : `~pydrad.parse.Strand` limits : `dict`, optional Axes limits for hydrodynamic quantities cmap : `str` or colormap instance The colormap to map the timestep index to See Also -------- plot_profile """ limits = {} if limits is None else limits plot_kwargs = kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', {}) fig, axes = _setup_figure(strand[0], limits, **kwargs) colors = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( '', plt.get_cmap(cmap).colors, N=len(strand)) for i, p in enumerate(strand): plot_kwargs['color'] = colors(i) _ = _plot_profile(p, axes, **plot_kwargs)
[docs] def plot_profile(profile, **kwargs): """ Plot hydrodynamic quantites at a single timestep Parameters ---------- profile : `~pydrad.parse.Profile` limits : `dict`, optional Axes limits for hydrodynamic quantities plot_kwargs : `dict`, optional Any keyword arguments used `~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` figsize : `tuple`, optional Width and height of figure """ limits = kwargs.pop('limits', {}) plot_kwargs = kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', {}) fig, axes = _setup_figure(profile, limits, **kwargs) _plot_profile(profile, axes, **plot_kwargs)
def _setup_figure(profile, limits, **kwargs): # Setup frame fig, axes = plt.subplots( 2, 2, figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', (10, 10)), sharex=True) # Limits axes[0, 0].set_ylim(limits.get('temperature', (0, 15))) axes[0, 1].set_ylim(limits.get('density', (1e8, 1e13))) axes[0, 1].set_yscale('log') axes[1, 0].set_ylim(limits.get('pressure', (0.1, 1e2))) axes[1, 0].set_yscale('log') axes[1, 1].set_ylim(limits.get('velocity', (-1e2, 1e2))) axes[1, 1].set_xlim(profile.coordinate[[0, -1]].to(u.Mm).value) # Labels axes[0, 0].set_ylabel(r'$T$ [MK]') axes[0, 1].set_ylabel(r'$n$ [cm$^{-3}$]') axes[1, 0].set_ylabel(r'$P$ [dyne cm$^{-2}$]') axes[1, 1].set_ylabel(r'$v$ [km s$^{-1}$]') axes[1, 0].set_xlabel(r'$s$ [Mm]') axes[1, 1].set_xlabel(r'$s$ [Mm]') return fig, axes def _plot_profile(profile, axes, **kwargs): line1a, = axes[0, 0].plot(,, **kwargs, ls='-' ) line1b, = axes[0, 0].plot(,, **kwargs, ls='--' ) line2a, = axes[0, 1].plot(,**(-3)), **kwargs, ls='-' ) line2b, = axes[0, 1].plot(,**(-3)), **kwargs, ls='--' ) line3a, = axes[1, 0].plot(, / (**2)), **kwargs, ls='-' ) line3b, = axes[1, 0].plot(, / (**2)), **kwargs, ls='--' ) line4, = axes[1, 1].plot(,, **kwargs ) return line1a, line1b, line2a, line2b, line3a, line3b, line4